본 내용은 “국가 탄소중립 달성을 위한 미래 클린 원자력 에너지, 핵융합 인력 양성 프로그램 개발”의 일환으로 한국수력원자력(주)해오름동맹 원자력혁신센터의 지원으로 **UNIST 원자력공학과 핵융합 및 플라즈마 응용연구실 에서 제작**되었습니다. This content is provided by the Fusion and Plasma application research Laboratory (FPL) at UNIST, as part of the "Development of Training Programs for Human Resources of Nuclear Fusion, the Future Clean Nuclear Energy to Achieve National Carbon Neutrality," **with support from Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Co., Ltd.** (KHNP) and Haeorum Alliance Nuclear Innovation Center.



0. Problem

1. Mathematical preliminaries: Eigenvalue, Eigenfunction, Eigenvector, and Eigenmode?

2. Numerical methods for eigenmode calculation (in general)

3. Electrostatic Drift Wave



Last update: Feb. 25, 2023


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